Daily maintenance of car brake pads
Source: | The author:haohuien | Release time :613 days ago | 390 Time to browse: | Share:

Car brake shoes, commonly known as brake pads, are consumables that will gradually wear out during use. When they are worn to the limit, they must be replaced, otherwise the braking effect will be reduced, and even safety accidents will be caused. Car brake shoes are life-threatening and must be handled with care.

1. Check the brake shoes every 5,000 kilometers under normal driving conditions, not only to check the remaining thickness, but also to check the wear state of the shoes, whether the degree of wear on both sides is the same, and whether the return is free, etc. Normal situations must be dealt with immediately.

2. Automobile brake shoes are generally composed of two parts: iron lining plate and friction material. Be sure not to wait for the friction material to wear out before replacing the shoes. For example, the front brake shoe of the Jetta has a new thickness of 14 mm, while the maximum thickness of the replacement is 7 mm, including the thickness of the iron lining plate of more than 3 mm and the thickness of the friction material of nearly 4 mm. Some vehicles have a brake shoe alarm function. Once the wear limit is reached, the meter will alarm to prompt to replace the shoe. The shoe that has reached the limit of use must be replaced. Even if it can still be used for a period of time, it will reduce the effect of braking and affect the safety of driving.

3. When replacing the brake pads of the car, the brake pads provided by the original spare parts should be replaced. Only in this way can the braking effect between the brake pads and the brake disc be the best and the wear is minimized.

4. When replacing the shoe, the brake cylinder must be pushed back with a special tool. Do not use other crowbars to press back hard, which will easily bend the guide screws of the brake caliper and cause the brake pads to be stuck.

5. After the replacement, be sure to step on the brakes a few times to eliminate the gap between the shoe and the brake disc, resulting in no brake on the first foot, which is prone to accidents.

6. After the brake shoe is replaced, it needs to be run in for 200 kilometers to achieve the best braking effect. The newly replaced shoe must be driven carefully.

The inspection and maintenance of the brake system should not only pay attention to the working conditions of the brake system itself, such as the stable performance of brake pads and brake oil, but also pay attention to the driving habits of our drivers, which has an important impact on the quality of the brake system.